Giving of your time in prayer is another way to help Loyola and its mission. We have a faithful group of men and women whose ongoing prayers help Loyola and Loyola’s family of retreatants and benefactors.
To intercede is to turn toward the Father in Christ, under the guidance and the power of the Holy Spirit, in prayer, asking for others. It doesn’t have to do with asking for particular intentions, and less for our own intentions, but rather it has to do with presenting to the Lord a determined need: material, psychological, moral, or spiritual. We can intercede for those set intentions as they are: the intentions of the Pope, the intentions of the Church, the fixed intentions of a particular group, of a town, of a country, etc. Although more frequently we can intercede for changeable intentions as for example: those things that are entrusted to us by authorities within the Church, by other persons or groups, for situations that have already been prayed for so that these prayers may be strengthened, for those people who approach us with their problems and especially for all the needs of the entire world. Intercession is important because it prevents evil doings, divisions, and is essential to cooperate with the work of the Lord in the salvation of all of humanity.
For all Jesuit and lay staff members that the Lord will continue to inspire and fill them with love, passion and energy for the ministry at Loyola
For all Loyola partners, adjuncts and Retreat Masters living outside of Loyola – that their passion and willingness to assist with retreats will continue and that God will continue to work through them to touch lives
For the spirit of generosity to inspire our retreatants, benefactors and friends to support this important ministry so it may continue for generations to come
That more people see the need and make the time to open themselves up to God’s grace by coming on a Loyola weekend retreat and other Loyola offerings so that every weekend and offering is full
That the Hispanic Ministry at Loyola will continue to grow
That the Young Adult Ministry at Loyola in partnership with Diocese of Metuchen and Newark will continue to grow and attract more young adults and additional partnerships
That the right person will emerge to lead the Loyola fundraising and development efforts, securing our future ministry for generations to come
That a partnership with the Diocese of Paterson, St. Paul Inside the Walls, will be established to spread the Word of God to the greatest number of people
That Loyola will receive and exceed the funds needed to make all necessary repairs and enhancements to continue serving God’s people
For the construction workers doing all the renovations and enhancements to this beautiful house of prayer, that the Lord will continue to keep them safe, guide their hands and help them realize how important their work is for all who use Loyola.