“Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.”—1 Samuel 3
All our readings today are replete with the theme of “call.” Samuel responds to God’s call, even though revelations were uncommon at that time. Psalm 40 emphasizes our eager response. Mark relates how Jesus shows his followers by his actions what it means to listen to and then to follow the call we receive from God on a daily basis.
Jesus is responding to people’s call in their physical, emotional, and religious illnesses. Notice that he doesn’t question them. He sees a need; he cures. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Jesus could text us each time there is someone who needs our help? In addition, Jesus could show us a map on the phone—a map pointing directly to the people needing our help. But life following Jesus doesn’t work that way. Through the gifts given us in Baptism and Confirmation, we have already received the “texts” pointing to good actions: love, hope, wisdom, prudence, patience, understanding—all those road signs leading us to people in need.
Last week a multi-vehicle accident in Virginia closed Highway I-95. Motorists were stranded in the icy cold for hours. At some point, people responded to their own call to do good. Those who had food, drink, warm blankets got out of their cars and walked along the highway to see who needed these necessities for survival. No questions were asked: Do you speak English? Are you a citizen? What is your political party? Did you vote in the last election? What is your religion? Your marital status? Are you on government welfare?.... We are all the same. Those people with food and blankets were answering God’s call on that particular day. They were doing in January, 2022, what Jesus was instructing us to do in his preaching and way of life.
When we take the time each day to orient our hearts to listen to what God wants, we will hear the “ping”—not on our phones, but in our hearts. The ”ping” will encourage us to be aware of other people—no matter who they are-- and their needs: maybe a smile or an encouraging word, or a “thank you.” When we are mindful of our responses to God’s call to us in small actions, then we will receive the grace to respond in more extensive situations. No matter our moods or feelings, God has already given us those road signs of awareness for others’ needs. So, throughout the day, our hearts pray, “Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.”