What appropriate readings we have today: discerning between following true prophets or false prophets! Scripture Scholar, William Barclay, tells us that the basic fault of the false prophet is self- interest. The false prophet is in the business of teaching, not for what he can give to others, but for what he can get for himself. The false prophet teaches solely for gain or prestige. The false prophet may teach only to transmit her own ideas. The true prophet makes a covenant with God and works for the good of the people. The Book of Kings, the Psalmist, and Jesus are warning us, and at the same time, encouraging us to be discerning followers of our contemporary prophets.
We are living in tumultuous times that call for us to be people of discernment—not just in major decisions but also in our daily routines. Although we may disagree with someone’s politics or theology, Jesus asks us to still disagree but also to respect the person. Family relatives, church members, business associates may become enveloped in the heat of argument about money, government or church issues, even about food. Yet, we cannot be swayed by what feels good or what makes us look important. Situations like these call for discernment of spirits in our daily living. Through the teachings of St. Ignatius we learn about good and evil spirits, how to recognize them, and what to do about them.
In his book, The Discerning Heart, Wilkie Au tells us, “While Jesus exuded a strong sense of independence in all his actions, he never made personal autonomy an idol. His identity was grounded in an unswerving attachment to his Father’s will. In this he demonstrated that being true to oneself is compatible with a deep willingness to follow God’s desire.”
Spending time each day in the quiet presence of God to follow the true prophet is what Jesus endorses. Prophets are focused on honoring God with true worship, caring for the poor, and justice in our daily living. Our own prayer urges us to learn all the aspects of a situation and ascertain what aligns with our following of Jesus in the gospel.