In Matthew 23:1-24. Jesus scolds those in power who take advantage of the people they are supposed to be serving. He is speaking to a community that is upset with the Jewish leaders, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, and the scribes. The people have had very negative interactions with the Jewish leaders of their time. He reminds the people that while the religious leaders sit in the chair of Moses and proclaim the law they do not always lead by example. He says, “For they preach but they do not practice.”
Jesus reminds the people to follow the laws of Moses but not put unfair burdens on each other. Do not just practice your faith to look important. He wants them to be humble and respect the people around them, he wants them to follow the laws but to be guided with mercy and justice as they follow them. If they have a position of power or authority, he does not want them to take advantage of those under them.
As we journey through the second week of lent maybe we can reflect on how our actions reflect Jesus’ teaching in all we do.
Do we ask of others what we do not ask of ourselves?
Do we treat others with respect?
Do we glorify God in all that we do?