In today’s gospel Jesus amazed the Pharisees and Herodians. He asked them for a denarius and then asked, “Whose image and inscriptions is this?” They replied with a one-word answer “Caesar’s.” That was easy enough to answer as the coins were made with Caser’s image on them and inscribed with his name. It was Jesus’ reply that left them, and us today, with a lifetime of pondering. “Repay to Caesar what belong to Caesar and to God what belong to God.”
What exactly belongs to God? Let’s image, for a moment, we are the coin Jesus is holding. If he showed us to others whose image, would they see? In Genesis 1:26 God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” and in Jeramiah 1:5 we read “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart. Would the people looking at us see God? Would they see love and kindness? Would they see what God set us apart for?These are not easy questions and pondering what exactly God wants of us can be ever changing as we change and grow. These are the questions many of us ponder?
As for what is inscribed on us, that is something very special. It is the sign of the cross that was traced on us at our Baptism. It is in the words recited as you and I were claimed for Christ, we were claimed in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. It is an indelible mark on our souls which means we belong to God for all time. So that takes us back to our questions, how do we repay God? What can I give to God in return for what I have?
The answers to these questions can only come when we are paying attention to God. For example, let’s say the priest has asked for people to join the choir. The following week you are singing in the pews, and someone tells you that you sing beautifully. Would you ever think that would be God speaking to you through someone else? God hinting to you to use your voice in the choir. Fr. Tom reminded us in his reflection yesterday God will not give up on us. He will do whatever it takes to get our attention even use those around us to deliver his message.
What exactly belongs to God? We do! How do we repay God? We use the gifts, great and small, that he gave us in service to others and the church.