Reading a scriptural commentary on our First Reading, I was struck by the mention of the remarkable foreshadowing in the story of Abraham & Isaac with Jesus’ later experience:
A major difference, of course, is that God spared Isaac’s life once Abraham’s complete fidelity was demonstrated; but God, who so loves the world, didn’t spare his own Son at Calvary.
The last-minute intervention in the killing Isaac, it has been suggested, reflects the strong opposition of the Jews to child-sacrifice [which was common among their neighbors.] In the Jewish tradition, it was the first fruits of animals and herds that were offered in sacrifice. Humans weren’t to be sacrificed but ‘redeemed.’
This story causes me to reflect on the extent of my faith and trust in God. Am ready to give God anything and everything, knowing that whatever God asks is for my own good? Right now, what would I find it most difficult to give up if God asked me?