Today’s Gospel brings us to a new stage in the formation of Jesus’ disciples. Initially, the first disciples were called to be “fishers of men,” then twelve of them were chosen to share most closely in the mission of Jesus. Now the Twelve, the foundation of the Church, are being sent out to do the same work that Jesus has been doing. They’ve been given authority over unclean spirits, they’re to preach repentance and anoint the sick with oil to heal them. Note that these three activities deal with the whole person: spiritual, mental, and physical. As has been said, “To be holy is to be whole.”
They’re instructed to travel lightly, bringing only what they absolutely need. They’re to show total dependence on and trust in God.
The disciples went off and did the three core works of Jesus:
– They proclaimed the Kingdom and called for a radical change of heart from people so that they might see life in the way that Jesus, the Son of God, was proclaiming.
– They liberated many people from evil influences and compulsions.
– They anointed the sick with soothing oil and brought them healing and wholeness.
They not only preached the Kingdom; they made it a reality in people’s lives. We have the same mission now.