In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the Word became flesh. Place your hands in front of your face and read the passage out loud. You can feel your breath hitting your hands. Now picture your self-speaking and only letting the breath of heaven escape from your lips. You are who now puts flesh on the Word of God.
What you say and how you say it are equally important. The last line in today’s passage is “No one has ever seen God. The only Son, God, who is at the Father’s side has revealed him.” The breath of heaven that became flesh has been revealed to each of us. It is now up to us to share what we know. We by our words and deeds reveal His glory. God chose each of us to share the message of His Son.
Open yourself up to the Holy Spirit that flows through you. The Spirit that Jesus sent us when He returned to the Father. The Spirit is very much alive in all of us. It is up to us to breathe the Spirit to life on those around us. Did you know that in the United States alone, the Gospel is preached in more that a hundred languages to people of many different cultures. When you were confirmed the bishop or priest anoints your forehead and signs it with the gift of the Holy Spirit. He said the following as he placed the sign of the cross on your head. “We pray that the holy Spirit strengthen those who have been confirmed to live the Gospel and share the Good News of Jesus Christ, just as the Apostles did at the first Pentecost.”
As we begin a new year full of resolutions that usually do not make it past a week. Let us pray each day that the breath of heaven gives us the courage to be the breath of heaven to others. Chose your words wisely and share them peacefully. Never forget the holy Spirit flows through you. Never be afraid to exhale.