When Jesus entered the temple area the chief priests and elders of Israel stood ready to question him. They asked, by what authority are you doing these things? In other words, who or what gave you the power and permission to cleanse the temple and to heal the sick? And they phrased the question in such a way so as to force Jesus into admitting publicly that his authority came directly from God. This would leave him open to a charge of blasphemy for which the
punishment was death.
Jesus answered the question with a counter-question which left the elders speechless. They
calculated their answer based on how the crowd would perceive them. They were caught
between embarrassment and fear. Clearly they were not interested in the truth. So, they answered Jesus by saying, “We do not know.” Ironically, they showed themselves to be lacking authority. Hence Jesus refuses to discuss the grounds of his own authority.
At this moment Simeon’s prophecy rings true. It was in that same temple, long time ago, when
Simeon blessed the infant Jesus. He then told Mary that her child was destined for the fall and
rise of many in Israel and he would be a sign so that the inner thoughts of many would be
revealed. In this Advent season, while we prepare to meet the Lord again, what inner thoughts of ours wait to be revealed?