Silent Weekend Retreat for men on Ignatian Spirituality. Theme is "Spiritual Decisions" Retreat Leader is Fr. Steve Pugliese, S.J.
Every day we make decisions about many things, most are not terribly consequential. Some decisions in our lives do have consequences, often lasting, even lifelong consequences such as the decision to marry, the decision of our career path or where to live. But the most consequential decisions we make are spiritual decisions. They make all the difference in how we relate to God, to our own selves and to others. Until we make them, we tend to drift through life at the mercy of so many forces beyond our control.
Our retreat will focus on four necessary spiritual decisions we must make if we hope to lead truly Christian lives. Unless and until we make them, our spiritual journey never actually begins, and no other journey in our lives is more important than our spiritual journey. But until we actually make that decision, nothing really changes. Join us as we explore the nature of these spiritual decisions, how we can make them and what often stands in our way.