“On you I depend from birth; from my mother’s womb you are my strength.” (Ps. 71:6)
Whenever Jesus tells us parables, he doesn’t share them just to entertain us. His purpose is to pick us up and shake us—if we allow him. When he puts us back down, we are not the same. We are different, because we have digested Jesus’ words and taken to heart the message within the story. The question for us always is: Are we willing to live the message? Psalm 71 assures us that no matter how fearful, worried, or nervous we are in answering the call, we have God’s love to support us: “Be my rock of refuge, a stronghold to give me safety.”
In today’s parable, Jesus is the farmer who sows the seeds. Generously distributing them on every kind of soil, he has hope that all seed will die, mature, and blossom. However, the land must respond.
I watch my neighbor, Josephine, care for the garden of flowers she has planted outside the building. Every evening after work, she visits the variety of plants to see how they are faring. Have the gophers nibbled at them? Are they parched and in need of watering? Her posture of thoughtfulness tells me the depth of her understanding the lives of what once were seeds. In a way, she is a God-figure continually noticing the needs of these flowers and then providing what is necessary. However, if the soil is not rich in nutrients and moisture, Josephine knows that her plants will not flourish.
When I was in prayer with this parable today, I thought of Josephine and her concern for her plants. I asked Jesus what this parable—the soil and the seeds-- means for me in my life today.
Jesus: So, Judy, how are you coping with the problems of your family, ministry, and the devastating people problems in your nation?
Judy: Oh, God, I must admit that I am getting tired of the negative news of stealing, killing, hatred. I am scared of what will happen to all of us. I am just one person—and an old short one at that—what can I do?
Jesus: Remember how Jeremiah complained to my Father of similar feelings: “I know not how to speak. I am too young.”
“To whomever I send you, you shall go; whatever I command you, you shall speak. Have no fear before them, because I am with you to deliver you,” says the Lord. Spend time with me each day. Then be alert to people’s needs and hurts. Step in with wisdom, prudence, and kindness.
Judy: Will you watch over me and companion me in my doubts and fears?
Jesus: Your neighbor, Josephine, visits her garden daily to see the needs of the plants. She notices if they are dry or need to be fertilized or weeded. I do the same for you and for others who want a friendship with me. I lavish my love and care on all people. Spend time with me each day. Understand my message. Whoever has ears ought to hear. My heart is open and waiting for a response.