Wednesday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time
“I am the way and the truth and the life, says the Lord.” (John 14:6)
As Jesus continues his ministry of healing, he focuses on those with physical infirmities because they are suffering. The apostles follow and try to imitate Jesus. Earlier in Mark’s gospel, the apostles were unable to cure a young man with a mute spirit. So, they are questioning Jesus about this situation. Let’s take a listen to their conversation.
Jesus: So, what seems to be the problem here?
Peter: “We tried to cure this possessed man, but we couldn’t. Aren’t we using the right words or signs?”
James: “Don’t we have the power anymore? What’s happening to us?”
John: “In fact, we saw someone driving out demons in your name. They are not part of our group. How dare they do something that you taught us alone!”
Jesus: “My friends, my Father’s love is meant for ALL—no matter their religion, their place in the Roman empire, or what kind of work they do. We are spreading my Father’s love and concern for everyone.”
Matthew: So, Master, are there specific rules to follow? Is there a print-out on how to love?”
Jesus: “Every one of you comes to my Father in a different way, because you all have different personalities. You are all lovable in the unique way that my Father created you. But you all have your own quirks in your personality. (They laugh.) Each of you also has your own temptation to sin. (They look at each other with sober faces.) You know how you see me go off by myself from time to time?
Apostles: “Right, every day!”
Jesus: Well, each of you must do the same. Talk to your Father who is also your Mother. Share with Her when you are happy. Explain to Him what troubles you. Trust that you will be given the wisdom and the strength to live with each day’s problems and challenges. Continue to understand other people’s differences, so that you can give them the love that comes from the Father.”
Matthew: “Master, do you mean that we must stop bragging to each other after we have ministered to people?”
Jesus: “Yes, don’t allow yourselves to become absorbed with your own greatness. Don’t puff up yourself with grandeur after you have healed someone. Live the personality that our God has given you. You have been gifted with the call to ministry of accompanying people and of healing them of their physical hurts, their emotional wounds. So, live the love you have been given!