Zechariah, after regaining his voice, praises God for sending a savior from the line of David and it is his son, John, who will go into the world and prepare the way for God’s greatest gift to us, Jesus.
Zechariah’s son is the prophet of the Most High. Imagine being chosen to be the prophet of the Most High? Well guess what, you don’t have to imagine. Do you remember playing “Tag” as a kid? You would run around avoiding the one perusing you, but eventually they would catch up to you touch you and yell “tag you’re it.” That is exactly what happened to you at baptism. When you were baptized you were baptized to be a priest, prophet and king. Your soul was tagged and now you’re it!
It is your turn to be the prophet of the Most High. It is your turn to tell everyone about Jesus. You can use your words, but do not forget that sometimes actions speak louder than words, and speaking of words, The Canticle of Zechariah also known as the Benedictus is filled with so many beautiful words. My favorites are towards the end:
"In the tender compassion of our God
the dawn from on high shall break upon us,
to shine on those who dwell in the darkness and the shadow of death,
and to guide our feet into the way of peace."
Tomorrow we will celebrate the birth of the dawn from on most high, Emmanuel. Take a moment to recite the Canticle of Zechariah. Remember God’s tender compassion and share it with the world.