"All it takes is a touch"
Majella LoBello
Have you ever had someone touch you and you feel a shock? My granddaughter is two years old, and she loves to slide her feet along the rug and walk up and touch you to give you a shock. It’s a game for and she laughs when it happens and enjoys every minute of it. When she touches me, I feel her energy and for her this touch is pure joy. This is how I imagine it felt to the woman and child in this gospel. Jesus’ touch sparked joy for both the woman and the child in this gospel.
For the woman who touched Jesus’ cloak, her faith was the motivation for her to reach out. For the child that awoke, it was because of the faith of her father. Faith is so important and all it takes is a spark to ignite that faith. It's amazing the effect that faith can have. If only we all had the faith the father or the woman in this gospel had.
Never take your faith for granted and never be afraid to reach out and touch someone in need. You can be the spark that ignites their faith in God. Just like when my granddaughter touches me, you too can bring joy to those you touch because of your faith.