When Jesus says, “I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing!” it’s a powerful image. Years ago I wrote a Confirmation retreat on this theme, the whole idea was that Confirmation and the Holy Spirit would ignite the gift of faith at this new phase of the young Catholics life, there were lots of fire themed elements, I really enjoy digging into a theme wholeheartedly. There was even a fire themed ice breaker; "Burning down the house". It was a game much like "Desert Island" where each person is asked to name the 3 things they would take with them if there house was on fire. It led into a discussion on what really matters to you and why. Fire is a great truth teller, and discussion starter. It quickly brings the most loved realities to the surface.
Fire represents change, passion, and transformation. It’s not just about destruction; it’s also about warmth, light, and renewal. Jesus longs for the world to be alive with energy and love—a place where people care deeply and act justly. Fire purifies too, like gold that has been refined.
This makes me think about our own lives. Are we letting our faith inspire us to make a difference? In a world that often feels so divided or even apathetic at times, Jesus’ desire for a blazing earth challenges us to step up. It’s a call to move beyond just going through the motions of our beliefs and to actively engage with the issues around us.
Discipleship is about being involved and courageous. It’s about igniting hope and love in our communities. So, how can we be that fire? How can we spark change in our own circles? Jesus is inviting us to be part of something bigger—to light up the world with our passion and purpose. What would you take with you if your proverbial house is burning down? What matters most?