Have you ever tried to abide in something? Maybe, like me, you’ve tried to abide to a strict diet or a daily exercise routine, but it just seems too difficult to stick with it. Well, in today’s gospel, Jesus wants us to abide in his love.
What does it mean to abide in his love? It’s not like love is something tangible that we can hold onto. But Jesus tells us that if we keep his commandments, we’ll remain in his love. So, it’s not about, or not just about, feeling warm and fuzzy, it’s about living in a way that shows our love for him.
And what’s the reward for abiding in Jesus’ love? Joy. Jesus promises that if we remain in his love, his joy will be in us and our joy will be full. That’s an amazing promise.
Let’s not think of following Jesus’ commandments as a burden or a chore, but as a way to experience the fullness of joy that he offers. We abide in his love by living our lives in a way that honors and glorifies him. And let’s embrace the challenge of following Jesus with joy and enthusiasm, knowing that in doing so, we are truly abiding in his love.