During the past week we have been bombarded not only with continuous news of war but also post- holiday sales and tragedies. These events remind me of the culture in which Jesus was born: his family searching for a birthplace in Bethlehem, Herod out to kill anyone competing with him, poverty in Israeli hamlets. This is not the usual Christmas card scene! However, we cannot allow ourselves to be interiorly tainted by dishonesty and war. With Mary, we keep all these things in our hearts, turn them over to God in prayer, and use our natural talents to solve problems.
Our minds and hearts can absorb only so much. We need to distinguish what is important for us in our own growth, take in what we need, let go what is bad. Like Mary, God has invited each of us individually to be aware of what God tells us in our hearts. Can we let go of the titilating gossip, false advertising, and sensational news? Instead, like Mary, we can distinguish which information is true and good, then take this into prayer and ponder it in our hearts. Pondering takes time and understanding followed by measured action for the good of everyone. Also, like Mary, we need to be patient in not knowing the outcome of our actions or those of others: family members, friends, strangers.
Today we are celebrating the Day of World Peace. We ask ourselves, “How did our world become such a violent place?” Again, God asks us to bring the Divine into the world like Mary. She questions what she doesn’t understand. She uses her natural gifts for problem solving. She trusts in God to help her weave her way peacefully through life. Yes, “she held all these things in her heart.” Did Mary know the consequences of her saying, “yes”? Of course not! Neither do we know what lies ahead when we open our hearts and bend our wills to God. Yet, like Mary, we listen and trust that our decisions will deepen peace in our own hearts as we spread that peace and joy to our family, in our parish church, our grocery store, our place of work, and to the rest of the world. At Baptism we did not know what those promises entailed. Yet, the gifts and virtues received equip us to be peacemakers in our own little world. Imagine! If each of us followed that path to peace, then our world would be different.