The idea of “new” in the New Testament all stems from this little parable Jesus tucks onto several other teachings we hear in today’s gospel passage, namely “New wine in new wineskins.” This passage appears virtually identically in all three Synoptic accounts. Only in Luke is there added his final verse (5:39) that ends, “The old wine is better,” muddying the waters a bit, it must be admitted.
We must recall Jesus’ “new commandment” from Jn 13:34. We also remember 2Cor 5:17, “So if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!” 2Pet 3:13 tells us, “But, in accordance with his promise, we wait for new heavens and a new earth, where righteousness is at home.” Finally, in addition to the “New Jerusalem,” Rev 21:5 has Jesus say, “Behold I make all things new!”
To allow things to become new means that we allow ourselves to let go of the old. But we must also become aware that we do not part with old ways easily. Old is both familiar and comfortable, two things that almost assure its continued longevity. New is unknown and anything but comfortable. We have to make a very grave decision first to seek to let go of the old before we can become that new creation Paul speaks of.
What are some old ways we wrap around ourselves to comfort ourselves and keep us from going into that “dark valley of the shadow of death” where the Good Shepherd wants to lead us through? Ways of thinking about God, ourselves and others. Ways of thinking that we really know or understand. Such thinking merely leads us into making judgements. Old ways of pride and vanity, of self-pity and anger, impatience and a lack of forgiveness. Old ways of self-centeredness and fear.
God can free us from this merry-go-round where we are never challenged or stressed but where nothing really changes. But we have to seek it through daily prayer that seeks to trust in God’s will and that enables us to find humility, forgiveness and peace that then enables us to love one another. Prayer is the only gateway into this new spiritual awareness. Pray to let God help you let go of most everything you thought you knew. Let God show you both who God is and what God is inviting you into. To become a new creation we must let go of the old and we can only do that by allowing God to do it for us. It is to say yes, to accept the invitation, “Come to me all you who labor and are heavy burdened and I will give you rest.”