Today the Church resumes Ordinary Time. For our scripture reading, we return to the beginning of the Gospel of Mark. We will be reading from this book, for the daily liturgy, until the start of Lent. We begin with the call of the disciples by the seashore.
There is much drama in this scene. On the one hand we may wonder at the charisma of Jesus that compelled the disciples to drop their nets and follow him. Throughout the gospel, St. Mark shows us how time and time again people are drawn to Jesus. It may lead some to ask, “What did they see in him?” On the other hand, we may also wonder at what Jesus saw in these fishermen, and why he thought that they would make good disciples – fishers of men and women – and would help to build his kingdom. Jesus looked at them: he recognized where they came from and envisioned where they would go.
It is the way we might look at the children in our families – really looking at them – noticing how they resemble their parents and wondering what they will become later in life. It is a look of affection and hopefulness.
For today, see yourself walking with the Lord. Watch him looking at you as he knows you and your future. And be ready to follow him.