I recently had the pleasure of attending a documentary about a young American woman being investigated for sainthood with my young adult group. Called Radiating Joy: The Michelle Duppong Story, this 90-minute film captured the 31-year-old’s joy in loving others, her passion for serving, and her willingness to suffer for the Lord after her devastating diagnosis of stage 4 cancer.
Michelle possessed a rare quality that qualifies her for sainthood: detachment from seeing the results of her sufferings and prayers. How easy it is to fall away from God when we feel as if he’s not working in our lives! Our prayer time might become shorter or infrequent, and soon enough, God is on the back burner, while worldly distractions such as our jobs or social events take priority. But she remained trusting that God was always with her, even though she couldn’t leave her hospital bed and see the impact of her witness today.
Seeing this documentary helped me further understand today’s Gospel. Jesus isn’t just angry that the people weren’t using the Temple for its original purpose of prayer, but He is grieved! He can’t tolerate seeing the people so distracted, and He will do anything (within righteous reason) to snare their attention. God does not desire to push us away but to reel us back in.
Michelle was a witness of Jesus wanting a relationship with us, no matter our circumstances, and if we ask Him for the grace to move away from distractions and worship Him only, He will work through us.