Action speaks louder than words. How often have we heard this expression? This is basically what is Jesus is saying to the Pharisees when he reminds them of Isaiah’s prophecy about honoring God with their lips but not their hearts.
I remember my husband telling me a story about one of his neighbors. You would find her at daily mass always in the same pew looking very holy, but God forbid your ball landed in her yard well let’s just say it wasn't pretty. She was not the nice church lady then. This is an example of what Jesus is referring to in today’s gospel. He doesn't want us to show up once a week looking and sounding all holy. Jesus wants us to show up the other six days being holy. He wants us to be kind to those around us, to forgive and to care for each other. This is what his message is today.
Jesus’ message is loud and clear. Action speaks louder than words. I can promise you that the soul you touch with kindness is not going to be looking to see if you washed your hands today.