I can only imagine what a help wanted sign would have looked like in the time of Jesus. It probably read something like this:
Help Wanted
Must have your own transportation, boat preferred.
Willing to travel for extensive periods of time.
Willing to work with the sick and the poor.
Friendly, outgoing, and knowledgeable in the Old Testament.
Contact Jesus of Nazareth for additional information.
Today's gospel reminds us that there will always be a need for laborers in the world and most importantly those who labor to do the work of God. The above job was not for the faint of heart. It took a lot of courage and strength to leave home and go to unfamiliar and often unfriendly places. Thank God they did! If not for the strength and faith of the early Christians we would not be reading, praying, and living out the Gospel. Now that is not to say we can take down our help wanted signs. We still need strong, prayerful, faith filled men to enter the priesthood and diaconate. We need strong, prayerful, faith filled women to enter religious orders, but we also need a strong, prayerful, faith filled laity to work along side them. You see we are all laborers in God’s world, and we all play a part in working for a better kingdom here on earth.
God sends us lots of examples to follow. How fitting is it that this gospel falls on the feast of Saint Benedict. Saint Benedict's motto was Ora et Labora (pray and work). Benedict believed that they went hand and hand. The work was to be works of charity. I think that is a great motto. Our beloved St. Ignatius (sorry St. Benedict I’m playing favorites) became an example for so many men. Thanks to him we have our wonderful Jesuits. Ignatius gave them and us the spiritual exercises and set a great example for all those who are involved in social justice. The Spiritual Exercises and The Examine strengthen and guide so many who labor daily in the kingdom. God sends us lots of men and women who are amazing examples to follow. Follow being the keys word. We too are also laborers in the kingdom. It is up to us to fill the help wanted positions. The next Mother Theresa, St. Francis, St. Benedict, or St. Ignatius is out there among us. Each one of them learned of Jesus and the mission of the kingdom from someone who was not afraid to work for God. We too need to be unafraid to accept the position.
Help Wanted
Must be willing to travel outside their comfort zone.
Must be willing to work with the sick, poor and those who are invisible in our world.
Must be friendly, outgoing, and patient.
Must have your own transportation and be willing to give others a ride.
Contact Jesus of Nazareth for additional.
He can be reach in prayer, in the Eucharist and as Ignatius reminds, In all things.
Are you up for the job?